Each day, credit unions make a tremendous difference in their members' lives as they provide a safe place to save and borrow at reasonable rates. But which individuals and organizations are taking the most creative and the boldest steps to push their members’ best interests forward, while having the biggest impact?
The Credit Union Times Luminaries Awards will answer this question by shining a spotlight on the individuals, teams, projects and organizations that are changing the financial services industry where it matters most. This year-round award program intends to immerse readers in the lives of the industry’s leaders and tell their stories. The awards are split into four themes, spanning 35 nomination categories for individuals, teams, projects, credit unions and world-class service organizations.
Selected by a distinguished and diverse panel of judges from across the credit union industry, as well as by our editorial team, the finalists will be revealed on CUTimes.com in early September, and the 2024 Luminaries winners will be announced and honored with awards live on stage at the 3rd annual Credit Union Times Luminaries Awards dinner in Orlando, Fla on November 7th, 2024. The winners will also be profiled on CUTimes.com and will receive additional recognition via Credit Union Times’ social channels and email newsletters.
For inquiries regarding the award that are not addressed here or on the FAQs page, contact
Editor-in-Chief Michael Ogden.
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